Axitea » AI Video Smart Cities Systems

Video ​​Security

AI Video Smart Cities Systems

Video analysis with Artificial Intelligence for public safety 

Intelligent Video Surveillance Systems for Smart Cities

The threats to public safety are constantly evolving and citizens and communities need to be provided with concrete answers. The use of video surveillance systems by local authorities as a form of passive defence to control and deter crime and vandalism has increased in recent years, but the installation of cameras alone is not always sufficient to meet citizens' demand for security.  

AI Video Solution is Axitea's video analytics solution with Artificial Intelligence that enables cameras to be transformed into real intelligent alarm sensors, even in existing video surveillance systems. Cameras are thus no longer merely passive recording devices, but analyse the images they record by proactively detecting complex behaviour in the framed scene.

The use of Artificial Intelligence represents a significant step forward compared to traditional video analysis, because it ensures more accurate and reliable analysis, it is capable of classifying complex objects and is not confused by adverse weather conditions or disturbances on the scene.

Thanks to its functionalities, smart video surveillance can be a valuable support to smart city strategies for territorial security while respecting privacy.

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Intelligent video surveillance is more necessary than ever for urban security, to prevent lawlessness and to act promptly when criminal acts occur. 

Why choose Axitea?

Increased security in cities and public areas

The use of advanced video analysis tools allows access to features not available in traditional video surveillance systems.

Enhancement of systems

Video analytics adds value to new and existing video surveillance systems with automatic event detection and alarm generation. It is therefore not necessary to replace the system and it is possible to apply video analysis even on only a few cameras, where it is really needed.


Artificial Intelligence is not confused by image changes, such as an animal crossing the scene or an insect resting on the camera, minimising false positives compared to traditional video analysis systems. 

Accuracy of analysis

Artificial Intelligence detects information that is difficult to obtain with the naked eye, provides greater situational awareness and helps to make important decisions and take timely action.


The data collected can be used both to generate real-time alerts and for further analysis.

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Main Features

Video analytics with Artificial Intelligence for smart cities can have multiple applications. Some examples are described below, but it is possible to realise ad-hoc functionalities on the basis of specific customer requirements.

In the field of territorial security, for example, it can help to automatically detect the presence of the target in real time:

  • Disturbances/congregations
  • Wall defacement
  • Abandoned or discarded objects
  • Man down
  • Smoke and fire detection
  • Intrusion into sensitive areas

Video analysis with Artificial Intelligence can distinguish a person from an animal or any other object and interpret their behaviour, even the most complex. It is like having an electronic guardian that monitors critical areas, public buildings, monuments or public heritage in general continuously, without ever tiring.

Another area of action is vehicle and traffic control, with functions that may, for example, consist of:

  • Insurance checks/impoundment
  • Direction not permitted
  • Parking in a prohibited area
  • Parking management

Intelligent vehicle traffic control systems make it possible to increase the level of safety and keep the traffic situation on the roads under control by collecting information on vehicle behaviour, transit times, routes with more traffic than others. 

The number plate reader provides support to the local police to carry out automatic checks on cars and obtain an alert in the case of the transit of stolen or suspicious cars or even in the case of the passage of vehicles with ADR plates carrying dangerous goods. 

The data collected by the cameras can thus be used to intervene in real time, because in the event of suspicious behaviour, an alarm is sent to a control room. The control room can then quickly take the necessary action to counteract the activity in progress. But the amount of data collected also allows for a posteriori analysis, because it is possible to access the archived images and perform intelligent searches by, for example, number plate number or type (mopeds, motorbikes, cars, trucks), and produce advanced reports for the study of traffic and traffic flows.

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