Axitea » Sustainability » People at the heart


People at the heart of our philosophy

Macro Goals

For Axitea, having people at the centre of the company philosophy means:

  • Protecting the health, inclusion and wellbeing of employees
  • Developing the relationship with the territory

Sustainability Plan 2023-2027

Sustainable Development Goals


Goal n.8

Promoting lasting, inclusive and sustainable economic growth, full and productive employment, and decent work for all


Goal n.9

Building a resilient infrastructure and promoting innovation and fair, responsible and sustainable industrialisation


Goal n.17

Strengthening the means of implementation and renewing the Global Partnership for Sustainable Development

Protecting the health, inclusion and well-being of employees

Operational Objectives

Promoting career opportunities by ensuring the professional and personal development of employees

Have a dedicated platform for the management of the performance management process

Dedicated platform for performance management process management

Implement an annual performance appraisal for all employees via the implemented digital platform

Cover 20% of the population (2024) Increase by 10% (2025-27)

Integrate the performance management procedure by also identifying the training needs of resources

Integration of performance management procedure

Filling identified training gaps with specific training

Delivery of at least 500 hours of specialised training

Improving diversity management including the issue of gender equality

Set up a system for monitoring and mapping pay by gender

Definition of a pay monitoring and mapping system

Define an action plan to close identified pay gaps to ensure equal remuneration for employees regardless of gender

5% reduction of the pay gap (per year)

Improving occupational injury rates through awareness-raising and training activities

Adopt a procedure for reporting and monitoring near misses

Adoption of a procedure for reporting and monitoring near misses

Increasing employee well-being

Renew the possibility of working remotely for employees for whom this is foreseen (currently active until 31/08)

Remote work contract renewal (1 September 2023)

Developing the relationship with the territory

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Operational Objectives

Promoting relations with local institutions

Organise workshops or lectures on cybersecurity for young students, geared towards facilitating their entry into the labour market

Organisation of 16 hours of workshops / classroom lessons

Integrating ESG criteria into the supplier qualification and selection process, ensuring transparency along the supply chain

Drafting the sustainable procurement policy and supplier code of conduct

Drafting of the sustainable procurement policy and supplier code of conduct

Introduce the acknowledgement and acceptance of the supplier code of conduct in the supplier portal

At least 90% of recurring suppliers who have accepted the supplier code of conduct 95% in 2025 98% in 2026

Integrate/define sustainable procurement objectives for procurement employees in relation to the performance appraisal phase

Increasing by 25% (per year) the number of employees in the procurement department evaluated according to ESG criteria

Supporting the local supply chain

Increase the provision of services by local suppliers in relation to specific product categories

Increasing the budget for local suppliers (at regional level) by 15% (per year) for the relevant product categories

Increasing the sense of social responsibility

Carry out corporate volunteering initiatives that involve employees in specific initiatives, ensuring that they are paid for the days/hours they devote

Involvement of at least 1 location (2 in 2025, 3 in 2026, 4 in 2027). Allocation of 10 days to organisational activities and 4 hours to volunteer activities.

Discover the other Pillars of the Sustainability Plan

Sustainable governance

Integrating sustainability into the corporate governance model.

Attention to the environment

Promoting environmental protection and the development of the energy transition and improving circular economy systems.

Would you like to know more?

Axitea concretely integrates ESG factors into its mission, in the organisational and decision-making processes, and in multiple projects and actions implemented on a daily basis by and for its resources. Discover more, download our Sustainability Report and Sustainability Plan.

Sustainability Report

Sustainability Plan 2023-2027

Ico-pos-Rilevazione intrusione

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