Axitea » Privacy & GDPR Course

Cyber security

Privacy & GDPR Course

Article 32 of the GDPR, provides that "the Data Controller and Controller shall ensure that any person acting under their authority, who has access to personal data, does not process such data, unless instructed to do so by the Data Controller".

Axitea supports companies in complying with this obligation, by providing a punctual, simple and comprehensive training program on GDPR

Axitea's GDPR course is a training program - available in e-learning and in-class mode - which allows participants to acquire concepts and mechanisms provided by the Standard, and learn the general principles of GDPR and Data Protection regulations.

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GDPR training, in addition to being mandatory, is essential to increase awareness in individuals and reduce human error, which is more often than not the main risk factor in companies for cyber security issues and personal data breaches.

How Axitea can help you

Team of multidisciplinary experts available

Team of experts on security and compliance issues, to deliver comprehensive training both on how to process data and on suitable behaviors to minimize cyber risks.

Flexibility and convenience of e-learning training

Possibility of e-learning training through a simple, intuitive and engaging platform compatible with all devices (PC, tablet, smartphone).

Different course delivery options available, based on your needs, and customization of courses according to the training level and needs required by the customer.

Reducing the risk of penalties and protecting corporate reputation

Through Axitea's training courses, your staff will be properly trained, and this will mitigate the risk of data breach and consequent corporate image damage.

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Would you like to know more about GDPR?

Main features

The GDPR Training service aims at becoming a point of reference for Italian companies, on topics ranging from education and training to individual risk perception, and with the world of Italian companies and their specific security and training needs as its main target.

Purposes of the service:

  • Promoting a culture of security within the staff.
  • Offering a catalog of high quality courses and awareness programs for clients.
  • With the help of experienced technicians and professionals, we support companies in preventing cyber attacks, by training the weakest link in the information security chain: the user.

The courses will be delivered in two modes:

  • In-class: in the classroom, with a dedicated professional tutor and a course tailored to the client's needs. Lessons can be held, as required, at the customer's premises or in Axitea's training rooms. Courses can also be delivered in webinar mode, i.e. with the lessons carried out live by the tutor remotely.
  • E-Learning: through a specific online platform, with a multimedia path including different kinds of resources. The user-friendly and engaging interface is compatible with all devices (PC, tablet, smartphone).

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