Axitea » Personal Anti-Aggression Alarm

Bio Security

Aggression Alarm

Personal protection 24 hours a day, 365 days a year

Anti-aggression for personal safety

A worker who is travelling or working night shifts could find him or herself in a dangerous situation at any moment. In addition, the worker’s request for help may be difficult or even impossible if the aggression occurs in an isolated or uncrowded place.

Axitea's personal security solution, Ayuto, is a professional service for distress calls delivered using a pocket-sized device, constantly monitored by Axitea's Security Operation Centre (SOC). Its strength lies in the fact that it is totally independent of a security system.

Thanks to GDSP (Global Data Service Platform) technology, Ayuto is able to connect to the telephone operator with the strongest signal, guaranteeing maximum coverage wherever it is located. In addition, GNSS (Global Navigation Satellite System) technology allows more accurate outdoor localisation than classical GPS, which is mainly useful for workers operating in very large and unmanned areas.

Thanks to the 24-hour connection with Axitea's Security Operation Centre, by pressing the distress button, the customer will transmit a signal containing the geographical coordinates of the device's last position.

An SOC worker will immediately verify the event through silent listening, without the aggressor becoming aware of the assessment in progress so that the victim is not exposed to further risks. Once the alarm has been verified, the operator will contact the urgent contact details defined with the customer and, if necessary, alert the police.

Ico-pos-Monitoraggio reti informatiche

In case of aggression or danger, it is not always possible to call other people in the vicinity for help. The uncertainty of how to behave and protect oneself in emergency situations while protecting one's own safety, is an added worry.

Why choose Axitea?

24-Hour Support

With Ayuto, an Axitea SOC Operator will be ready to provide support 24 hours a day / 365 days a year.

Rescue alert

If the alarm is verified, the SOC Operator will activate the intervention by alerting the urgent contacts defined during service activation and, if necessary, patrols and rescue services. 

Maximum coverage

Thanks to the innovative multi-operator SIM, Ayuto connects to the mobile phone operator with the best signal, thus ensuring the highest possible coverage. In addition, GNSS technology allows more accurate outdoor localisation than classic GPS.

Discreet, light and easy to use

Although very small, the device provides all the protection functions useful for lone or travelling workers and is configured for easy use by anyone. Thanks to its small size, it is easy to transport and quick to reach in case of need.

False alarm limitation through silent listening

Silent listening (or ambient listening) is a function by which the Security Operation Centre Operator can listen to what is happening without a robber or attacker noticing the investigation in progress, so as not to expose the victim to further risks. The Operator is able to verify the event even if Ayuto is in the user’s pocket!

Better than a smartphone!

How many steps does it take to send an alarm with a telephone? Enter the phone unlock code, search for the app, open it, send the alarm. With Ayuto, all it takes is the push of a button. Furthermore, in the event of someone collapsing due to illness or injury, the device automatically sends a distress call to Axitea's SOC.

Main Features

Pocket device with alarm and geographical coordinate sending

Ayuto is a pocket-sized portable device, with a belt clip, ideal for travelling personnel: simply pressing the distress button sends an 'Aggression' alert to the Axitea SOC with the geographical coordinates (GNSS) of the last position detected by the device.

Alarm with ambient listening

The operator immediately listens to the environment, trying to recognise any clues relating to emergency and/or dangerous situations, without arousing suspicions of possible robbers or attackers. If this is the case, he/she alerts the police, providing them with the instructions they need to intervene effectively, secure the area and protect the safety of those involved.

Automatic alarm in case of mugging

Furthermore, when the lanyard is torn from the device, e.g. in a mugging attempt, an alarm is automatically sent to Axitea's SOC. The lanyard tear alarm is a useful feature especially for those lone workers in the service sector who face the risk of harassment, violence and aggression during their work.

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