Axitea » AI Video Safety Systems

Video ​​Security

AI Video Safety Systems

Video analysis with Artificial Intelligence for the automatic detection of events for the protection of people's health and safety

Intelligent systems for safety at work

When it comes to the safety of people, any organisation has a duty to ensure the safety of those who enter the public and private spaces it manages. It is not just a matter of complying with laws or regulations, but more generally an issue of social responsibility.

This is even more true when it comes to occupational safety, as employees are the most important resource of companies and occupational accidents have a social and economic cost. 

Many organisations such as companies or public bodies rely on video surveillance systems to protect people's health, but when the monitoring of images is left to manual verification by dedicated operators, the results are not always optimal, and in any case one does not necessarily have easy access to these kinds of resources. Surveillance in fact requires constant attention on the part of the operator, who would have to look at multiple screens during long shifts, with an inevitable drop in productivity and response time and a greater possibility of human error.

Video analysis with artificial intelligence solves this problem, as the video surveillance system not only sees but also understands what is happening in a scene, both to prevent and to react quickly to situations that pose danger to people. With intelligent video analysis capabilities, monitoring is constant and alerts are only generated in case of anomalies or dangers.

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Occupational safety management is a crucial issue, especially in Italy, where 697,773 accident reports were registered in 2022 (+25.7% compared to 2021, INAIL data). Video analysis can be a valuable ally in preventing risks and reacting quickly to dangerous situations.

Why choose Axitea?

Safety at work

Video analysis with artificial intelligence reduces the likelihood of accidents at work, improving working conditions and the company's image.

Monitoring Efficiency

Unlike manual image checking, which is inefficient and prone to human error, Artificial Intelligence generates alarms with information, so that security officers only have to examine the events worthy of attention and act accordingly.

Enhancement of systems

Video analytics adds value to new and existing video surveillance systems with automatic event detection and alarm generation. There is therefore no need to replace the entire system and video analysis can be used even to only a few cameras, where it is really needed.


Artificial Intelligence is not confused by image changes, such as an animal crossing the scene or an insect resting on the camera, minimising false positives compared to traditional video analysis systems. 

Accuracy of analysis

Artificial Intelligence detects information that is difficult to obtain with the naked eye, provides greater situational awareness and helps to make important decisions and take timely action.


Cameras can generate alarms before the threat manifests itself. This results in faster reaction and intervention.


The numerous functionalities and algorithms available are configured according to specific customer requirements.

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Main Features

Video analytics with Artificial Intelligence can be integrated into both existing and newly installed video surveillance systems. There is therefore no need to overhaul the video surveillance system in order to use it to prevent accidents and improve safety at work. There is also no need to monitor several screens at the same time and for extended periods of time, because artificial intelligence automatically detects incidents, filters out false alarms and notifies operators of real dangers so that they can take appropriate action in a timely manner. In the event of an accident, every minute that goes by can make the difference in saving a life.

In the area of safety, the following cases can be automatically detected and the safety officers in charge alerted: 

  • smoke and fire, both indoors and outdoors; in this case, the video surveillance system can be connected to Axitea's Security Operation Center for alarm reception and intervention in the event of a verified fire;
  • anti-collision, for the prevention of possible collisions between people and machines or even between machines, by monitoring the safety distance; 
  • man down, to detect a person collapsing due to injury or illness;
  • use of personal protective equipment (PPE), such as helmets and vests, in environments where the use of these tools is mandatory.

In addition to the applications described, Axitea is able to develop specific video analysis functionalities at the customer's request. In these cases, after a careful evaluation of the needs expressed, a feasibility study is carried out and the most appropriate solution to solve the problem expressed is identified.

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