Axitea » Fleet Management Software

Vehicle Security

Fleet management software

Maximum fleet management efficiency

Axitea's fleet management solution combines the best logistics and security technologies, providing a real competitive advantage for companies and constant security for users. It allows storage - within a black-box installed on the vehicle - of historical positions, with retention of the last updated data.

Determining passages, visits and processes carried out becomes extremely simple. The solution is self-powered with information. Every single history point can become a target, with the possibility of establishing information rules when one of them is reached.

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Axitea's Fleet Management portal is an indispensable tool for the consultation and independent monitoring of information that enable efficient fleet management and optimization of transport costs.

How Axitea can help you

Real-time location

The Fleet Management web platform shows the location of all fleet vehicles in real time.

Target management

A mailing system that alerts and provides various information regarding vehicles and preset targets.

Group & fleet administration

Allows you to view and create groups of vehicles, by type of transport, use, membership. You can select the group or single vehicles to display on the map.

User management

You can create and customize user profiles with different features (location-only, time-limited, etc.).

Maintenance management

Deadlines for tire changes, services, exceeding km, hours of ignition on: just enter the parameters in the Smart Truck web platform and wait for the alerts.


It can generate different types of reports (Map, Multiple Map, Start&Stop, In&Out). The Excel format allows a high degree of study and analysis of the layout.

Mission creation. Waste Management package

Creation of standard trips, assignment to drivers, management of available or busy drivers, generation of reports linked to set-up sensors, PTO, bin turner, compactor.

Can Bus data visualization

To display the residual fuel level, confirmation of full tanks and shortages, easily highlighted on the map.

Calculation of the main driving style parameters, speed, engine revs, engine temperatures, km/Lt.

Temperature Management

Real-time display of temperatures through analogue and digital probes. History, graphs, monitors can be set independently by web and third parties.

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Would you like to know more about fleet management software?

Main features

Through Axitea's fleet management service, you can:

  • Locate the current and updated position of company vehicles and drivers on the satellite map, with an indication of the live speed of the vehicle and the possibility to make a search using several parameters (license plate, driver name, phone number, distance from a target, etc.).
  • See the 3D StreetView of the roadway to check parking spaces, passages, etc. with a zoom of up to 3 meters.
  • Display the current and real time route of a vehicle on the map and, through the route history, display the position, date and time of all events and alarms along the route.
  • Vehicle maintenance with calendar and automatic alerts of the next maintenance to be carried out, based on the kilometers driven and hours worked; manage administrative deadlines (e.g. stamp duty and insurance).

Can Bus data visualization

By activating this function, you can obtain further reports with operating parameters extrapolated directly from the vehicle’s electronic control unit, through the CanBus/FMS interface. Instantaneous consumption and quantity of fuel in the tanks, hours/engine and other important parameters of use and activate alerts (send e-mails) in case of fault (sudden change of fuel level, etc.).

Target management

Definition of specific points on the map called targets (e.g. customers, offices and warehouses) and possibility of automatic variation of the alarm monitoring levels when targets are reached. Possibility of sending an alarm when the vehicle stops in a specific "negative target" (unsafe parking area).

Periodic report planning by fleet:

  • Map report: contains start/stop and route details. Calculates the sum of km and hours of use of the vehicles in the fleet.
  • KM/HOURS report: contains the total number of km and driving hours of the day, plus their sum for the number of "days" requested. You can request the report with a 31-day time window.
  • In & Out report: contains information about the entry and exit of vehicles from targets.
  • Report from headquarters: contains the entry and exit of vehicles from the main office, and the count of km per trip made every time the vehicle returns to the headquarters.
  • Input Variation report: contains all the variations of the generic Input preset in the vehicles (e.g. anti-theft device, fuel cap, etc.).
  • Drivers Codes report: contains indications of access to the vehicle by drivers (crypto pin required).

User management

By activating this function, the customers will have more login credentials to the satellite web portal (login and password). The maximum number of users refers to the total number of user credentials.

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