Axitea » Data Center Protection

Cyber Security

Data Center Protection

For advanced Data Center protection

Data centers are where all vital business applications reside. It is no longer enough to protect these applications with anti-malware on the servers and firewalls at the perimeter: you need to protect every single process and service those applications used, with security policies that dynamically adapt to the context and are granular enough to apply to each individual workload.

It is common knowledge that reprogramming the security policies on firewalls is a long, challenging and complex procedure, given the huge number of rules to be modified, the ease of error, and the difficulties in understanding the requests of the application owner. Reprogramming is necessary, for instance, every time you segment your network by introducing new VLANs or modifying existing ones, every time you move an application from the development environment to the test environment to the production environment, every time you use infrastructure available in the cloud, etc..

Thanks to its team of experts and the technologies it employs, Axitea can map the communication flows between applications, displaying them dynamically. Thanks to this, it is possible to clearly identify who is "using" the different applications, and, on the basis of this, to design, test and implement high level policies (which will be automatically translated into firewall rules), able to automatically adapt to the changing risk situations for cyber attacks and block the lateral motives of malware that determine their spread.

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You can achieve unimaginable levels of data center security and save on operating costs by viewing what is happening inside your data centers, making network changes to security rules irrelevant, and automating the creation of security policies.

How Axitea can help you

Focus on performance and network simplification

Avoid the cost of redesigning the network, as well as the labor and overheads to manage it, by eliminating certain architectures (VLANs, zones, overlays, subnets, or IP addresses).

Automatically generate policies to increase efficiency and consistency

Quickly create optimal segmentation policies with Policy Generator's automated policy recommendations that save your security team critical time and reduce the risk of human error.

The experience of a team of experts always at your disposal

Axitea has gained a virtually unique experience in Italy in this field, and provides companies with the design experience gained with companies of considerable size and complexity, in-depth knowledge of the best technologies used in this area and the skills of its consultants, analysts and systems experts.

Ico-pos-Rilevazione intrusione

Would you like to know more about Data Center Protection?

Main features

The Data Center Protection service is developed through four macro phases:

Workload inventory

To have a complete view of the workloads of each application, with creation of the map logic for application interdependencies.

Definition of policies

Through security policy design and testing, tuning and implementation.

Integration with SIEM

Possible integration with existing SIEM (Security Information and Event Management).

Post delivery

Consultancy and constant operational support also after the solution has been delivered.

Other prevention services

Data Center Protection

Monitoring and protection of single applications and processes within a corporate network, through non-IP-based segmentation.

Data Loss Prevention (DLP)

Timely and targeted protection of the most critical business data based on specific rules (blocking of database...

SOC as a Service

Real-time monitoring of events generated by applications and corporate information systems 24/7, as a proactive tool to...

Cryptography and Data Encryption

Hard disk encryption to prevent the free reading of sensitive data in the event of PC theft.

VPN as a Service

Creating secure connections for employees working remotely, without having to make investments to upgrade the existing infrastructure.

Email Security

Advanced control of inbound and outbound email traffic to recognize and block malware-infected emails.

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