More and more companies are replacing their desktop devices with laptops that are more manageable, lighter and easier to carry. But also more easily stolen. The data saved on your computer - be it documents, pictures, music or programs - are generally perfectly readable by anyone who has access to them.
On their own, passwords set during laptop startup are not enough to protect your data. It is enough to take the hard disk out of the computer and insert it into another PC to be able to open any kind of data.
The Cryptography and Data Encryption service provided by Axitea allows you to manage full disk encryption, and consists of providing a password (personal and set by the customer) to decrypt the data and make them readable again.
Cryptography is one of the appropriate and fundamental technical measures to protect data and, at the same time, achieve compliance with the European General Data Protection Regulation (GDPR).
How Axitea can help you
Data unreadable to outsiders
Full disk encryption that renders the data unreadable to anyone trying to access it without the decryption password.
Maximum privacy protection
High privacy protection that can withstand even brute force attacks.
Single management console
Encryption policies and keys, security policies managed from a single console.
The best security for your data
First line of defense essential for data protection, considered the absolute safest method for data security.
Would you like to know more about cryptography and data encryption?
Main features
The Data Cryptography and Encryption service offers centrally managed full disk encryption using Windows BitLocker and Mac FileVault, by leveraging technologies built into the operating systems.
The service is activated before the operating system starts (and consequently before the login password is requested), making even hard disk extraction useless.
In case of lost/forgotten passwords, Axitea’s SOC helps users to easily recover their recovery keys and quickly return to their work tasks, with consequent savings in terms of time and consumption of IT resources.
Other prevention services
Data Center Protection
Monitoring and protection of single applications and processes within a corporate network, through non-IP-based segmentation.
Data Loss Prevention (DLP)
Timely and targeted protection of the most critical business data based on specific rules (blocking of database...
SOC as a Service
Real-time monitoring of events generated by applications and corporate information systems 24/7, as a proactive tool to...
Cryptography and Data Encryption
Hard disk encryption to prevent the free reading of sensitive data in the event of PC theft.
VPN as a Service
Creating secure connections for employees working remotely, without having to make investments to upgrade the existing infrastructure.
Email Security
Advanced control of inbound and outbound email traffic to recognize and block malware-infected emails.
Find out what we have done for our customers.
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