Axitea today
The evolution that led Axitea to become a Global Security Provider for protection against physical and cyber risks is over 100 years long. Here are some of the milestone that led us where we are:
Biosafety solutions - To combat the Covid-19 pandemic, Axitea develops services and systems to prevent outbreaks: from body temperature measuring to social distancing management.
As evidence of how much Axitea cares about and develops its Customer Base (both before and after sales), it obtained a positive NPS ("Net Promoter Score") rating of 65 in December. This means that 90% of its customers would recommend Axitea: a highly satisfactory result, achieved following an independent survey carried out by an external company.
This customer-oriented path started a long time ago, and motivates the company to constantly continue to improve its high service and relationship standards.
The Axitea Academy is created - an in-class and online security training program for our customers.
Axitea's offer is enriched by Consulting services in the field of privacy and compliance with security regulations.
Following major investments, Axitea’s Security Operation Center evolves and becomes the first SOC dedicated to two-level Security Convergence, to manage alarms coming from the cyber-physical space.
The creation of an integrated SOC equipped with the best technologies on the market was inspired to offer the maximum level of security to those companies that turn to Axitea to get the best in terms of protection of physical and cyber domains that are now attacked.
Axitea has a new management team, led by Marco Bavazzano, Chief Executive Officer, that started a corporate renewal process, by positioning Axitea in the Italian market as a Global Security Provider, able to ensure the physical & cyber protection of SMEs and large Italian and foreign companies.
The Stirling Square Capital Partners fund renews its financial shareholding in the Company’s development and evolution.
On August 1, 2011, a branch of Italgo is acquired. This acquisition represents an important evolution, as it adds expertise in the design, implementation, maintenance and security monitoring of computer networks.
Axitea anticipates the trend of the following years: it is one of the first companies in the world to add a structured set of solutions for intangible asset security - such as data and info - to its offer of physical security solutions.
This choice sparks from the awareness that, for companies, information is valued as much as - or even more than - tangible assets, and from the will to consolidate the leadership and innovation of its offer on the market, by continuously evolving the offer of complete and integrated security solutions, just as the risks for companies and people become more and more integrated and interconnected ("Security Convergence").
Axitea was born from the merger between Sicurglobal and Mega Italia, on 1 January 2011: not just a new company name, but also the creation of a new corporate identity, to mark its position as leader in the Security sector.
The new brand focuses its strategic objectives on the importance of customer relationships, on the company’s ability to intervene find a customized solution for any safety issue, and on the centrality of the person.
Mega Italia is acquired, one of the leading companies in Italy in the design, construction and maintenance of security systems, active since 1974. The strategic reason is to expand the market position by integrating new systems, and making the service truly global. For the first time in Italy, a single partner for all your physical security needs: from security system provision to services.
On 6 May 2008, control of the company passed to Stirling Square Capital Partners, a private equity fund that saw Sicurglobal/Axitea as the company capable of playing the role of leader and innovator in the rapidly changing security market.
The offer expands from surveillance and systems to satellite control of vehicles, earthmoving vehicles and company fleets.
The BS Private Equity fund establishes Sicurglobal, the company that will become “Axitea” in 2011.
The main Italian private security companies, historically handled as small individual firms at local level, are aggregated through a buy-in operation that gives rise to the company: it is the first example in Italy of intervention in the sector by an institutional investor.
Since its establishment, Sicurglobal has wanted to stand out by complying with an ethical code and for its technological imprinting. This is the vision that makes the company one of a kind on the market.
La Vigile San Marco is founded, which will become a leading security institution in the Triveneto area.
The date of establishment of two other very important realities in the private security field, A.N.C.R. Vigilanza Combattenti & Reduci and Corpo di Vigilanza per la Provincia di Milano, which will be other pillars of the security company that will be established in 2004.
Establishment of La Polizia Privata - a local security company active in Pisa, one of the main local realities active in the private security market that will be later acquired in the early 2000s, when the company that will become Axitea is established.

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