Axitea » AI Video Data Analytics Systems

Video ​Security

AI Video Data Analytics Systems

Artificial Intelligence video analysis for data and metadata collection, with business intelligence tools for subsequent visualisation and analysis 

Video analytics: a treasure trove of information for making the best decisions

Security systems are often considered a cost, but thanks to data analytics systems it is possible to exploit video surveillance systems and turn them into business intelligence tools to generate profit. Indeed, surveillance cameras can be used at the same time both for security purposes and to collect objective, precise and measurable site data in order to make strategic decisions.

In particular for all realities open to the public, as in the retail world, there is also the problem that decisions are often not based on concrete and measurable data, but rather on experience and intuition, thus limiting the effectiveness of sales strategies.

Thanks to data analytics systems, cameras analyse the videos to collect timely data, study specific behaviours or attitudes and thus offer more visibility into what is happening in the analysed locations. Intelligent video analytics provides valuable information, also in real time, that allows the user to react in time, make the right decisions at the right time, and store critical information to analyse later and use to guide your business strategy.

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In the world of big data, the biggest challenge for companies is to turn information into data and then use that same data to make strategic decisions. In this context, video surveillance applied to data analytics holds untapped potential and can become a valuable ally for decision makers.

Why choose Axitea?

Enhancement of systems

Video analysis allows a new or existing video surveillance system to be used both for security purposes and as a business intelligence tool. It is therefore not necessary to replace the system and it is possible to apply video analysis even on only a few cameras, where it is really needed.

Possibility of use in real time or for subsequent analysis

AI video analysis can provide real-time data or it can collect historical data on the behaviour of buyers and visitors in general for subsequent analysis.

Improvement of managed spaces

In retail, more informed space management helps to improve the shopping experience and increase sales. In all other areas, the aim is to improve the experience within a space and enhance user satisfaction.

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Main Features

All video surveillance systems can be enhanced with smart functionalities. In fact, whether it is a newly installed system or an existing one, video analysis with artificial intelligence can be applied to use the system for security and marketing functions at the same time.

In particular, by recording images, cameras can collect data and metadata, which are then transmitted and made available in special data visualisation software with interactive dashboards. Data can also be made available in raw format for processing by third-party analysis systems.

The main application is in the retail sector, where marketing analytics systems provide corporate decision-makers with information on shop visitors and data on their behaviour. In this way, informed decisions based on concrete and measurable data can be made to manage space layout and staff organisation, with the ultimate goal of improving the shopping experience and increasing sales. In other application areas, such as public administrations or managers of public places (e.g. airports, stations), the aim is to improve the overall management of spaces and the visitor experience.

Some of the features available in AI Video Data Analytics Systems are listed below:

  • Heat maps, to identify the most crowded and least visited spots in a specific location. This tool helps to intervene in the layout of a space and regulate the flows of people. In retail, the merchandiser can understand which products and communications are of most interest in order to improve customer service, promotions and marketing.
  • Engagement, to determine the time spent by a customer in a shop, in front of an article or in a certain area.
  • People counting: statistics help to analyse customer flows in order to refine marketing activities and reorganise in-store personnel.
  • Shelf/stock control
  • Locating abandoned objects
  • Queue management

Last but not least, the data analytics functionalities do not violate customer privacy, because no personal information is recorded in the system.

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