Axitea » Phishing Attack Simulation Course

Cyber Security

Phishing Attack Simulation Course

Services to test the level of user awareness of email-based external threats, with the aim of raising awareness and educating users

Emails are the most widely used attack vector in the world, and have the highest success rate of all attacks. This is due to the careless and distracted use that users make of them, and to increasingly sophisticated attacks that exploit social engineering techniques to mislead users.

We tend to consider emails as trusted and reliable, because the application is familiar to us and we tend to click on links and attachments paying little attention to those details that should make us suspicious.

The purpose of the Phishing Attack Simulator service - through a fake email campaign - is to measure the degree of awareness of the risks involved in the careless use of emails and general preparedness in the use of the email system, evaluating the users’ ability to recognize possible threats and to act correctly in front of them.

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The main countermeasure to phishing is user training and experience in recognizing malicious emails.

How Axitea can help you

Improved security.

The Phishing Attack Simulator service, by emulating a wide range of different types of phishing attacks, helps identify weaknesses in an organization's security strategy.

Detailed training on the risks of phishing.

More than 60 interactive training modules to educate users and prepare them to respond to specific threats, such as suspicious emails, credential theft, password security, and regulatory compliance.

Full reporting

At the end of the simulated phishing campaigns, a detailed report is provided, indicating how many users were affected by the malicious emails, how many were "tricked", and the status of the overall risk level for the entire user group.

Simulation of the most recent attacks

The service includes more than 500 types of phishing attacks, from classic types to the most recent ones, with relevant attack simulation models in the specific social context and many different scenarios (from novice to expert user).

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Main features

The Phishing Attack Simulator service - through a series of tools for detecting user behavior - collects the results following the reception of specifically-created fake e-mails.

The simulated attacks end with interactive training mini-courses that explain the error made by the user and the potential consequences.

Depending on the user reaction to the attacks, the 60+ interactive training modules will inform them about specific threats, suspicious emails, attempted credential theft, password strength and regulatory compliance. These modules are highly informative and designed to be engaging, so that they are immediately useful in preventing future real-world attacks.

At the end of the simulated attacks, a report will be provided, containing, apart from the total number of users deceived by phishing emails and the departments involved:

  • Measurement of the overall risk level of the user groups targeted by the campaign;
  • User awareness factor data, collected individually and by organizational sector (if applicable).

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