Axitea » VPN as a Service

Cyber Security

VPN as a Service

Private and secure virtual network: VPN for secure smart working

The Coronavirus pandemic has greatly increased agile working (so-called WFH).

When not managed properly, this way of working can put companies' critical systems and sensitive data at risk.

The increase in remote access is forcing companies to pay close attention to information system security, shifting from centralized security to security spread over unsafe private networks.

A little-considered aspect is the return to the company of all the devices used for WFH: the danger of bringing inside the company perimeter malware contracted during the period of remote work is very high, with the risk of infecting the entire company network.

  • Cyber risks are multiplying considerably:
    Use of personal PCs without adequate protection systems against new generation viruses;
  • Corporate devices that share a Wi-Fi connection with personal PCs and smartphones;
  • Absent or poorly configured VPN connections;
  • Data and business applications accessible with weak user authentication.

Axitea's solution responds to these needs and allows companies to provide an advanced VPN connection to users to access company resources in a secure and controlled manner.

Ico-pos-Monitoraggio reti informatiche

The strong increase in smart working in recent months, forces companies to equip themselves with solutions that allow their employees to connect to the corporate network with maximum security.

How Axitea can help you

Why choose Axitea's VPN as a Service:

Secure connections even with home Wi-Fi

Axitea's VPN allows you to protect data even on home networks, which are notoriously unsafe.

Definition of access policies

Access to the virtual network through rules configured by Axitea Security Operation Center, in agreement with the customer.

Checking the security level of the connected devices

Checking the integrity of operating systems and devices, and reporting any vulnerabilities.

Fully cloud-based solution (no installations needed)

There is no need to upgrade your current technology (firewall), therefore saving your company resources.

Ico-pos-Rilevazione intrusione

Would you like to know more about VPN as a Service?

Main features

No equipment installation required

In Axitea's VPN as a Service solution, there is no need to install any equipment: the service is provided directly from the dedicated cloud platform. The company will simply indicate the number of users (with IP addresses) on which it wants to activate the service.

Vulnerability analysis

VPN as a Service also returns an analysis of all vulnerabilities in the operating systems of the endpoints on which it is installed, with the aim of correcting them.

Dynamic networks

The virtual network is available both for users logging in from outside the company perimeter (smart working employees and suppliers) and for those inside the network: this is possible thanks to the creation of dynamic network segments, with access to specific segments of the company network.

Other prevention services

Data Center Protection

Monitoring and protection of single applications and processes within a corporate network, through non-IP-based segmentation.

Data Loss Prevention (DLP)

Timely and targeted protection of the most critical business data based on specific rules (blocking of database...

SOC as a Service

Real-time monitoring of events generated by applications and corporate information systems 24/7, as a proactive tool to...

Cryptography and Data Encryption

Hard disk encryption to prevent the free reading of sensitive data in the event of PC theft.

VPN as a Service

Creating secure connections for employees working remotely, without having to make investments to upgrade the existing infrastructure.

Email Security

Advanced control of inbound and outbound email traffic to recognize and block malware-infected emails.

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