Axitea » Social Distancing Solutions

Bio Security

Social Distancing Solutions

Services and technological solutions for space management in companies and social distancing

Axitea offers integrated solutions to support worker distancing management, by tracking their movements and interactions. Technological solutions that use artificial intelligence algorithms, helping to maintain the correct distance between people and the number of occupants in a specific area, whilst detecting gatherings, in order to avoid any "close contact" between occupants. The technological systems are able to measure the concentration of people (e.g. employees, collaborators, consultants, customers and/or suppliers) in a specific place in real time, with notification of any related waiting times for entering the space. They also monitor the formation of queues at the entrance or at the checkouts.

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In this critical phase - in which, despite no longer being an emergency situation, the alert remains high - Axitea provides solutions that can simplify complex situations, such as social distancing within specific spaces, and protecting people's health without depriving them of social contact.

How Axitea can help you

Automatically managing the number of people

Possibility to set and vary the maximum number of people that can enter the premises, with real-time detection of individuals in the area and generation of a visual and/or acoustic alarm if the set upper threshold is exceeded.

Possibility of reusing the same technologies for analytical marketing purposes

The solutions can also be used after the pandemic has ended and are already set-up for additional analytical marketing features, such as People Counting, to count the number of people entering a place of business for statistical purposes, and People Data Analytics, to know the gender and age statistics of these people.
This information - which can be obtained through reports - is crucial to organize exhibition spaces, shopping paths and marketing initiatives, and also to achieve a different staff distribution within the place of business.

GDPR Compliant

GDPR compliant and privacy-by-design solution - The system does not record any images; they are transformed into aggregated data and transmitted to the cloud.

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Main features

Axitea offer several social distancing solutions, and can be divided into two categories:

Wearable devices

Solutions that involve the use of wearable devices that are connected to each other via different technologies (Bluetooth/Ultra wide band/NFC), capable of recognizing the distance between them and emitting an audible warning if the minimum tolerated threshold is exceeded. The system can retrace the chain of transmission and send alerts to anyone who has come into contact with a positive user.

People Counting monitoring

The solutions include the supply and installation of a camera equipped with artificial intelligence that should be positioned perpendicularly to the area entrance, and which will count the people that go IN/OUT, plus an app to manage the people flow.

The system is able to manage the number of people by preventing - once the maximum set threshold has been reached - anyone else entering, by controlling the automatic doors or turnstiles and with audible and/or visual alarms.

If the threshold is exceeded, the company contact, who is alerted by staff at the entrance and by the Axitea Security Operation Center, will be responsible for implementing the company’s containment procedures.

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