Axitea » Pandemic Plan

Bio Security

Pandemic Plan (Infection Prevention and Control – IPC – Contagion Security Protocol)

Consulting services for the definition and drafting of Covid-19 Infection Protection and Control (IPC) protocols

Support for compliance with Infection Prevention and Control (IPC)-Contagion Security Protocols.

Axitea offers consulting services with experts in occupational privacy and security, to support companies in the mandatory activities to implement Infection Prevention and Control (IPC)-Contagion Security Protocol - in line with DPCM of 26 April 2020 and following - and to manage personal data concerning new parameters, such as body temperature.

Privacy compliance consulting services to properly manage temperature measuring data cover:

  • Drafting of appointments of officials and assignments for the personnel involved;
  • Information for employees, customers, visitors, suppliers;
  • Mandatory Data Protection Impact Analysis;
  • Specific Covid-19 risk analysis.
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According to the latest provisions, the continuation of production activities can only take place in the presence of conditions that ensure adequate levels of protection for the employees, and a protocol is therefore necessary, with rules adopted in the company to contain the spread of the virus.

How Axitea can help you

Tailored service

Axitea works alongside companies to identify their specific needs and draw up a specific Infection Prevention and Control (IPC)-Contagion Security Protocol to reduce the risk of employee infection and the consequent risk of blocking business continuity.

Multidisciplinary team available

Experts in occupational privacy and safety are available to inform and prepare employees on the necessary measures and behaviors to be taken to reduce the risk of contagion.

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Would you like to know more about Pandemic Plan (Infection Protection and Control Security Protocol)?

Main features

The company Infection Prevention and Control (IPC)-Contagion Security Protocol drafting services - required for corporate operational continuity - provide support in the creation of all documents, plans, risk analysis and procedures functional to the fulfillment, in particular:

Preliminary risk analysis to highlight potential gathering spaces, unmanned gates, corridors and routes at risk of crowding.

Re-engineering and updating of the procedural and organizational surveillance of access control, physical work, and congregation spaces (relaxation, canteens, meeting rooms), queue management and social distancing.

Re-engineering of work shifts and business organization.

Qualified training in Safety and GDPR.

Procedures for accessing and exiting from work locations.

Crisis and pandemic management plan.

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