Axitea » Access Control & Body Temperature Measurement

Bio Security

Access Control & Body Temperature Measurement

Systems and services for body temperature measurement, mask presence detection and people flow management to prevent Covid-19 outbreaks

Axitea offers the widest range of access control solutions with body temperature measurement and mask presence monitoring, optional entry control with RFID badges and attendance detection (Payroll), ideal for companies that have a supervised entrance and/or open gates that cannot channel the people flow.

The solution entails an autonomous body temperature measurement and PPE (mask) presence detection system, using thermal scanners with display screens.

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Employers are always required to operate with diligence, caution and care, regardless of the precautionary measures suggested by the different anti-infection protocols: for this reason, wherever possible, they should implement suitable systems to protect the workers’ health, such as temperature monitoring and mask presence detection solutions.

How Axitea can help you

Body temperature detection with contactless thermal scanners

To prevent operators from being exposed to a possible infected person, and people from stopping to have their temperature taken, resulting in a less invasive and more discreet system.

High precision

The high degree of accuracy in body temperature measurement allows for the rapid reporting of real cases, preventing false positives, without alarming or causing discomfort to the users.

Post-emergency integrable and re-usable solutions

The solutions can be integrated with all entry management software and allow regular working procedures and people flows to be maintained.

24-hour monitoring

By Axitea’s Security Operation Center, which alerts the company contacts in the event of a temperature alarm exceeding the permitted limits or in the event of device malfunction (e.g. power failure).

Cutting-edge technology

The technology is able to distinguish a human subject from other warm bodies in proximity of the subject being scanned (e.g. a person holding a cup with hot liquid inside).

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Main features

Wide range of solutions

Based on the customer’s needs, Axitea can offer a wide range of solutions and services for temperature measuring and mask detection at the site entrance for both individual people and groups (up to 20 people at the same time).

Temperature measuring and mask presence detection

One solution - that can be adapted to many different contexts - involves the supply and installation of a thermal scanner with facial recognition, positioned on a special totem, for remote body temperature measuring and mask presence detection, with the option of controlling the opening of automatic doors or turnstiles.

Alert generation

The system can generate alarms on many fronts: acoustic alerts at the front desk, alerts on a PC equipped with special software, or alerts sent to Axitea Security Operation Center, which can warn (also as a backup) the company's on-site unit 24/7.

Can be used as access control

It can be used as a real access control system, and it can be integrated perfectly into existing attendance systems.

These systems can therefore become strategically essential over time, as they are suitable for any upsurge in the health emergency, and can be fully integrated into the access control perimeter to become actual terminals, therefore covering the emergency investment made.

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